Now we are moving towards the Mainnet Candidate 1.15.1, we summarize our experience with the Shelley Testnet phase II.
Early on, boarding in Shelley Testnet phase II helped us climb the ladder very quickly. Ranking 6 and 7 for both our pools.
At the moment we joined, only 40 pools were registered and visible in pooltool.io. This gave us an advantage over other stake pools to quickly forge our first blocks.
It was obvious that saturation for our pools Juno (ticker A4PEU) and Saturn (ticker AP4US) would become a problem. The increasing pace of forging blocks and re-delegation of staking rewards to our stake pools. What we expected happened, 198% saturation for Juno and 165% for Saturn.
Instead of sitting still and trying to keep up with a top 10 ranking. We decided to help other stake pools by unloading our own delegation and delegate it to other stake pools.

It reduced the saturation of our stake pools and we lost our top ranking, but we are glad we did and helped other staking pools in forging their first blocks.
Our results are still awesome, Juno forged 273 blocks and Saturn 283 blocks and the number of blocks is still ongoing with every epoch.
Sorting on Lifetime Blocks in pooltool.io ADA4Profit still belongs to the top performing stake pools on Shelley- Testnet phase II.
ADA4Profit is proud of these results which were in line with our previous results on Shelley-Testsnet phase I.
We are looking forward for Shelley Mainnet where we are going for similar results to guarantee delegators to our pools with excellent return on stake.