As part of our long term commitment to the Cardano project we like to provide the best possible network connectivity for our stake pools and delegators.
We are proud to announce that today and yesterday we expanded our network connectivity. With two additional relay nodes in Europe.
Both relay nodes are running on dedicated servers. With unlimited data transfer, this guarantees bandwidth of 1Gbps, 64Gb RAM and more than enough NVme disk storage.
This now brings our total number of relay nodes to six, three each for our pools JUNO and SATURN.
Reasons why we are implementing multiple relay nodes in our setup for our stake pools:
• Provide redundancy in case of failure of other relay nodes
• Spread the risk of system outages geographically
• Stay in sync with the tip of the ledger under all circumstances
You can find the details about our relay nodes here. On the relay nodes page you can find a download link, this link downloads a .json file. The .json file contains our current relay node definitions.
The individual entries in this .json file, can be applied in your personal topology.json.
Your personal topology file describes to what stake pools and what relays your relay node is trying to connect to.
We will expand our network as we move closer towards the Shelley Mainnet launch. Guaranteeing that our pools are connected at its best, for our delegators on Mainnet.
Keep yourself updated on our improvements, towards the Shelley Mainnet launch, by following us!